Q: Can I copy things off your site?
A: Yes, provided you give proper credit for my translations.
Q: Do you translate everything yourself?
A: Yes.
Q: Why are some things in italics and some in regular print?
A: Italics is copied straight from the source, regular print is translated and might be summarized.
Q: Why do you blog about Islam in Europe?
A: Why I blog
Q: How can I get the 'virgin pill'?
A: The pill I reported about is not really a pill, it's a vaginal suppository. You can read more about it here and here. It was developed by Dr. Van Seumeren at the Utrecht Medical Center in the Netherlands and is available from her. I understand similar things are available in other countries.
You can try contacting Dr. Van Seumeren at:
Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht
Divisie Gynaecologie
Mw. Drs. E.G.C. van Seumeren
Postbus 85500
tel: 088 75 585 42
e-mail: e.g.c.vanseumeren@umcutrecht.nl
Q: Where can I find halal food in Brussels? How do I find a mosque in Rotterdam? How can I contact the Kurdish community in Oslo?
A: You could try googling. Two good sites to search are Zabihah and Salat-o-matic. If you can't find anything, contact me and I'll try to find it for you.
Q: I've got a school assignment about the Muslim veil in Europe, can you help? Do you know where I can get statistics about the number of converts in Germany?
A: I can direct you to sources of information but I don't do homework.
Q: Can you help me get a visa, work, education or money?
A: No.
Q: How can I read your posts?
A: On the web, through Yahoo Groups, Daily Feedburner email digest, as an RSS feed or on Twitter. You can also follow my Facebook fan page.
Q: I enjoy your blog, how can I contribute?
A: Send me an email Amazon Gift Certificate to contribute to my book fund. If you have already done so, I apologize for not thanking you personally. Amazon does not give me the sender's email.
Updated: April 19th , 2008