Sunday, August 28, 2011

Flanders: Muslim broadcaster to start September 18th

Flanders: Muslim broadcaster to start September 18th

Via HLN (Dutch):

The Muslims Television and Radio Broadcaster (MTRO) will start broadcasting September 18 on channel Eén.

Mohamed Achaibi, spokesperson for the Dutch-language department of the Muslim Executive of Belgium says they will have their first broadcast on Sunday, September 18, 9:45AM. Achaibi says they're currently working on filming two report segments, one about the Ramadan and one about the recognition of Islam in Belgium in the 1970s.

The MTRO was officially recognized in January as a 'third' broadcaster. The other 'third' broadcasters had to give up a bit of time for MTRO, which will get to broadcast 4 hours of TV and 7 hours of radio annually. The other broadcasters are Catholic, secular, Orthodox, Protestant and Jewish.

"The radio broadcasts will start September 30", says Achaibi. MTRO will broadcast on Friday, 25 minutes after the 8pm news on Radio 1, every now and then.

MTRO gets a subsidy of 117,964.50 euro a year.