Monday, August 01, 2011

Norway: Muslims were harassed after terror attacks, says Islamic Council

Norway: Muslims were harassed after terror attacks, says Islamic Council

In an interview to TV2 (Norwegian), the General Secretary of the Islamic Council, Methab Asfar, said that it is hard to think back to the first hours after the terror attack with the suspicions and speculations.

"The first 5-6 hours were very difficult, especially with the thought that so many Muslims were harassed both physically and verbally," Asfar says and adds, "That's a side of Norwegian society I haven't seen before, I hope that we can now unite as one nation. The time has come."

In the future we will see many funerals of different cultural and religious nature. Asfar hopes this will give insight into how people of different beliefs deal with grief.

Via AFP:
The Muslim fasting month "will be filled with emotions and [will be observed] in honour of the victims and their families", said Methab Asfar, who heads the Islamic Council, an umbrella organisation for Muslim groups across Norway.


"Of course the attacks will leave a mark on Ramadan. Everyone has this in mind and we are especially mindful of the victims' loved ones," Asfar said in a telephone interview.


"In one way, it is an entire nation that will be fasting," Asfar said.

"The aim of the fast is to keep in mind those who are in difficulty. It's a time for forgiveness, for reflections, for love and warmth. Muslim or not, our thoughts will be with the victims and their families," he said.
