Thursday, January 05, 2012

Copenhagen: Muslims clean up after New Year's celebrations

Copenhagen: Muslims clean up after New Year's celebrations

The article doesn't say, but these are Ahmadiyya Muslims. Ahmadiyya Muslims have held similar cleaning operations in Oslo and Amsterdam.

Via Fyens Stiftstidende (Danish):

A group of Muslim youth from the Nusrat Djahan mosque in Hvidovre (Copenhagen) volunteered on New Year's Day to help clean up the night's celebrations in the city's central square.

"Our religion teachers us that we should love our country. And if we love our country, we should keep it clean," says Muhammad Zakaria Khan, chairman of the mosque.

"Additionally, cleanliness if part of our faith. Various texts say that half of our faith is cleanliness. Therefore I sent 35 members of our community to the city to clean up," he says.

The mosque's chairman agreed with the municipality to help clean up around the main square, but the youth also managed to reach other places in the city.

"Our faith and religion Islam teaches us that we should respect and be loyal to the country where we live. Therefore in our mosque we do our best to be loyal to the Danish government and to Denmark," says Muhammad Zakaria Khan. "Therefore we decided to help our city and save some tax money."

He says it's not the last time the mosque members will help with cleaning up, and says if the city will be satisfied and ask them to do it again, they'll do so every year.