Sunday, August 06, 2006

One year ago

One year ago, Israel was busy evicting Jews from Gaza. Sending out its army and police it dragged Jews from their homes. No Arab or Muslim was forced to leave. Entire communities were destroyed, both physically and psychologically. Decades of hard work were wiped out.

The global left, and the world in general did not see anything wrong with that.

In order to gather up forces for this important missions, the Israeli army sent out the flight school cadets. One of them was interviewed and explained why he sees this as a challenge, and why he feels it is important to follow orders no matter what he thinks is right.

Fast forward a year.

Israel decided it will not stand for Hizballah attacks on its borders. Sending out its planes and soldiers, it bombards Lebanon, trying to hit Hizballah terrorists, supplies and infrastructure.

The global left, and the world in general is shocked at Israel's extreme reaction, and wonders why innoncent people have to suffer.

Those same flight school cadets are now battle pilots and are taking part in bombing missions. They haven't changed. They have been trained to follow orders, no matter what they think is right.

Of course, things are much easier when your target is the enemy and not your fellow citizen. They hope that they'll only kill terrorists and grieve when they hit innocent civilians.

However, when the world is out shouting that Israel is overreacting and that it's immoral to do what they're doing now and that those pilots are guilty of war crimes, maybe it should ask itself why it stood by silently last year.