Saturday, December 05, 2009

More polls on minaret bans

More polls on minaret bans

According to various polls, Danes would support a minaret ban; the Dutch, Norwegians and Finns would oppose it; and the Germans are divided on the issue. It is hard to judge what the result would look like if people really had the option to vote on it, but it is clear that such a measure is supported by a significant amount of people.

Denmark - According to a Megafon survey, 51% of the Danes support a minaret ban, while only 34% will allow minarets. (DA)

Norway - According to a new survey, 54% of Norwegians oppose a ban on minarets, 46% support it. A majority of voters for all parties except for the Progress Party and the Christian Democratic Party oppose the ban. The survey was conducted by Norfakta for Communist newspaper Klassekampen. Breakdown by party: 93% of socialist Left voters oppose the ban. 24% of Progress Party voters oppose the ban, 59% support it. 53% of Christian Democratic Party voters support a ban. (NO)

Finland - According to a poll conducted for the tabloid daily Iltalehti, 54% of Finns would allow minarets and 31% want to ban them. Among 25-34 year old, 60% would allow them. (EN)

Germany - According to an TNS-Infratest poll conducted for Spiegel, 44% of Germans support a ban, 45% oppose it. There are differences between East and West: In Eastern Germany, 47% supported a ban, and 37% opposed. In Western Germany, 47% opposed the ban and 43% supported it. 39% of men support the ban, compared with 48% of women.

78% of Germans said they feared future conflicts with radical Islam, and only 18% said they didn't.

According to another survey conducted by Emnid for Bild am Sonntag, 48% of Germans oppose a ban on minarets, while 38% would ban minarets. Here too there were differences between East and West: 44% of East Germans support a minaret ban, compared to 37% who oppose it. In Western Germany, 51% oppose a ban, and 37% support it. (DE 1, 2)

Netherlands - According to a TNS-NIPO survey for Editie NL, 53% of the Dutch don't want any more minarets. If there would be a referendum, 67% say they plan to vote. 40% of the Dutch would vote for a ban in a referendum, 56% would vote against it. 46% of respondents seen no problem with new minarets. 77% see no problem with church steeples with church-bells. 22% also oppose that. (NL)

There are about 75-100 mosques with minarets in the Netherlands, and at least ten of them have a Friday afternoon call to prayer. (NL 1, 2)

h/t I mitt Sverige

See also: France: 41% oppose more mosques, 46% oppose minarets