BREAKING: Five arrested for death threats against DPP head (UPDATED)

BREAKING: Five arrested for death threats against DPP head

Update 2:

The arrests were made after the DPP parliamentary office received an anonymous tip that the five were planning something. The police deny they acted too rashly, given the high threat level against Kjærsgaard. (DA)


The Copenhagen Police say the threats are not concrete and are considering releasing the suspects. (DA)


Five people of immigrant background were arrested for death threats against Pia Kjærsgaard, head of the Danish People's Party. The threats came from the Somali community.

In an arrest operation in Nørrebro in the early afternoon police arrested five people of immigrant background, suspected of death threats against Pia Kjærgaard. learned that the some of the arrests were conducted in Mimersgade. learned that the threats presumably came from the Somali community. also learned that the case is rather serious, and that there was evidence of concrete attack plans against Pia Kjærsgaard. There were also concrete threats. The details of the attack plans aren't yet known.

"I can confirm we arrested five people, who are suspected per article 266 of the Penal Code of threats against Pia Kjærsgaard," says Jørgen Aabye of the Copenhagen police.

The police are now interrogating those arrested and will later decide if to ask to detain them further.

Ekstra Bladet spoke with the spokesperson of the Danish People's Party, Søren Søndergaard. He says that Pia Kjærsgaard is on vacation abroad with her husband and that she is doing well under the circumstances. The couple are returning home this afternoon.

The Copenhagen police says that more information will be given out later today.


Source: Ekstra Bladet (Danish)

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