Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Russia: New centralized Muslim organization

Russia: New centralized Muslim organization

Via Interfax:
A founding conference of a new centralized religious organization of Russia's Muslims took place in Moscow on Wednesday.

"Taking part in its work were the heads of religious boards of the Muslims of the Stavropol and Perm Territories, Mordovia, Urals, and the Ryazan Region, which are located in four federal districts and comprise hundreds of Islamic religious associations and religious educational institutions and social and humanitarian-charitable organizations," Perm Territory Mufti Muhammedgali Huzin, one of the founders of the new organization, told Interfax-Religion.

The organization is called the Russian Association of Islamic Accord (All-Russian Muslim Board). This organization will be the fourth centralized Muslim organizations, the three others being the Central Spiritual Muslim Board, the Council of Muftis of Russia, and the Coordination Center of the North Caucasus Muslims.
