Via the BBC:
The UK's first female Asian peer has used a debate in the Lords to criticise Pakistani and Bangladeshi families for having too many children.
Baroness Flather, speaking during a debate on the government's welfare changes, said: "The minority communities in this country, particularly the Pakistanis and the Bangladeshis have a very large number of children and the attraction is the large number of benefits that follow the child.
"Nobody likes to accept that, nobody likes to talk about it because it is supposed to be very politically incorrect."
The 67-year-old said that immigrant families must stop having lots of children "as a means of improving the amount of money they receive or getting a bigger house."
The former Tory peer also claimed Indian families had a different mentality to Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities in the UK.
"Indians have fallen into the pattern here," she told peers. "They do not have large families because they are like the Jews of old. They want their children to be educated.
"This is the other problem - there is no emphasis on education in the Pakistani and Bangladeshi families."(source)