Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Norway: Don't link between Islam and rape

Cabinet minister Bjarne Håkon Hanssen reacted to the suggestion that imams be asked to stop the rapes in Oslo saying "I have never appealed to Norwegian bishops when a Norwegian raped".

Hannsen met Monday afternoon with Muslim religious leaders to discuss marginalization and inclusion. To the suggestion that the immigrant community must contribute to preventing rapes Hannsen lifted a warning finger: "There is just as little connection between rapists, white Norwegians and Christianity as there is between Africans, Muslim and rapists"

"I'll be very careful when the main challenge goes to the imams, since that couples it to religion." he said.

Source: Aftenposten (Norwegian)

See also: Norway and Rapes: Ask imams to help


This relates to another story that had appeared in the news for the past few days: an employee (52) of the Church City Mission raped a Vietnamese asylum seeker (23) for two years, the attacks taking place in and around the organization's missions.

The man, who had quit the day the accusations come to light, was sentenced to 3.5 years in jail and to pay compensation to the victim.
Sturla Stålsett, head of the organization said they are shocked such a thing could take place by them and that they see it as a major breach of confidence against them as employers, as well.

Source: Aftenposten (Norwegian), Kikens Bymisjon (Norwegian)