Dutch politician Geert Wilders has recently called, in an article in Dutch newspaper Volkskrant, to ban the Koran in the Netherlands. Klein Verzet had written a good summary of the background to Wilders' article and the responses it got (see Setting us up for another murder). I bring below a translation of this article
I've been shouting it already for years: moderate Islam does not exist. For whoever doesn't believe me: read the speech that the Italian author Oriana Fallaci, who unfortunately passed away last year, gave on Nov. 28, 2005 in New York, when she received an award in honor of her heroic opposition to Islamofascism and her fight for freedom (*): "Moderate Islam does not exist. It doesn't exist because there is no distinction between Good Islam and Bad Islam. There is Islam and that's all. And Islam is the Koran, and nothing but the Koran. And the Koran is the Mein Kampf of a religion which aims to eliminate others, that calls these others - non Muslims - infidel dogs, inferior creatures. Read that Koran, that Mein Kamp, once more. In whichever version than also you will see that all the evil that the sons of Allah began against us and themselves, originates in that book." (Oriana Fallaci, The Force of Reason, post-script, p. 305, Feb. 2006).'
Ehasn Jami is such an infidel dog, an apostate Muslim who had the guts to call the prophet Mohamed a criminal and to call certain regulations from the Koran backwards. And who had also gotten it into his head to stand up for other infidel dogs and has even established a committee for them. Allah thinks that apostasy deserves the death sentence. Last Saturday that almost became reality: the infidel Jami was attacked by two Moroccans and a Somali till he bled.
Enough is enough. Let us stop with political correctness rubbish. It's good that Jami is now protected and a disgrace that this hasn't happened earlier but it doesn't solve the root of the problem. The root of the problem is fascist Islam, the sick ideology of Allah and Mohamed as set down in the Islamic Mein Kampf: the Koran. The texts from the Koran leave little to the imagination.
In various suras Muslims are called upon to oppress, persecute or murder Jews, Christians, those of other faiths and non-believers, beat and rape women and using violence establish a worldwide Islamic state. Suras a plenty which call upon and incite Muslims to death and destruction.
Ban that wretched books like Mein Kampf is also banned! Give a sign in this way to the attackers of Jami and other Islamists that the Koran may never ever be used as inspiration or excuse for violence in our land.
How I'm ashamed of Dutch politicians. Their naivety and sick pursuit towards the Utopian moderate Islam that only brings to our land hell and damnation. How I'm ashamed of all those in the cabinet and the parliament who refuse to stop the Islamic invasion of the Netherlands. How I'm ashamed of Dutch politicians who day after day accept the over-representation of immigrants in crime and have no answer for it.
The Hague is full of cowardly people. Scared people who are born cowards and will die cowards. Who think and promote that Dutch culture will be based on a Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition. Who grant a general pardon to liars and criminals. Who look the other way when homosexuals are meanwhile attacked almost daily. Who want to introduce sharia mortgages.
Who meet with representatives of the terrorist Hamas. Who effectively work for the dictatorial Moroccan king. Who see extremists of the Muslim Brotherhood as discussion partners. Who allow Muslim men to refuse treatment of their sick wife by male doctors. Who don't care for the interest of the Dutch citizen and who collaborate with the transformation of the Netherlands into Nether-Arabia (Nederabië) as a province of the Islamic super-state Eurabia.
I've had enough of Islam in the Netherlands: no more Muslim immigrants. I've had enough of the worship of Allah and Mohamed in the Netherlands: no more mosques. I've had enough of the Koran in the Netherlands: ban that fascist book.
Enough is enough.
Source: Volkskrant (Dutch)
(*) ed. comment: Oriana Fallaci received the Center for the Study of Popular Culture's Annie Taylor Award in New York.