Finland: Controversy over headscarf use

Finland: Controversy over headscarf use

Finland is having its first ever dispute over the use of the Muslim head scarf in the work place. The Service Union, PAM: stated that there is an ongoing dispute over the use of the heads scarf, but that there is no lawsuit pending.

The Aamu newspaper interviewed PAM's regional director, Niina Koivuniemi, who said that the controversy was caused mostly by Finns who have converted to Islam, and are already employed. The issue is agreed upon with immigrants in the context of job interviews.

According to the paper, the S-store chain has no common guideline on head scarves and other religious symbols. Pirkanmaa's Osuus-store will disccus the matter next week. In the Helsinki Osuus-store, in Elanno, the position is clear: employees may not use any visible religious symbols on their clothing. In K-food stores, there is no general guidance on head scarves, but each store owner is responsible for the matter independently.


Source: Tundra Tabloids (English)

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