Netherlands: 'Headscarf Brigade' to fight discrimination

Netherlands: 'Headscarf Brigade' to fight discrimination

Employers who discriminate against women with a headscarf should watch out. They might have to deal with the Polder Muslima Headscarf Brigade.

This is a new organization who dedicates itself to fair opportunities for female Muslims on the job market, says administrator Nora el Jebli (31) Tuesday. The Headscarf Brigade wants to fight discriminating in particular by entering into dialog with employers.

"The idea is really to show that we exist, after that to start dialog," according to El Jebli, who works as an accountant for the American company Toolsgroup.

The first initiative is already a fact. Saturday the Muslim women organized a conference in the Al Kabir Mosque in Amsterdam. Among those present was chairman of the FNV union, Agnes Jongerius, and chairman Doekle Terpstra of the HBO (Colleges) Council.

The first headscarf award was present to a company that dedicates itself for social acceptable of the headscarf at work.

El Jebli emphasizes that Muslim women shouldn't grovel in a victim role. "We don't want to be seen as pathetic." But she thinks that women with a headscarf shouldn't have to accept unequal treatment. "There is discrimination, particularly in higher positions."

The Polder Muslima Headscarf Brigade is an initiative of three Muslim women of the existing association Ibno Khaldoun.

Source: AD (Dutch)

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