France: 86% of French Muslims oppose burka ban

France: 86% of French Muslims oppose burka ban

Based on an internet poll. See also:

A large majority (86%) of French Muslims say they oppose a law regulating the wearing of a full veil, according to a survey conducted by French site

More than half (59%) say that wearing the burka or niqab is a Koranic injunction and many more (77%) reject the idea that women who war the veil are coerced.

54% of respondents say that the full veil is a "hallmark of religious commitment," 35% say it's a cultural practice, and 9% say it's a "demand of political nature"

Regarding what French Muslims think of the "full veil in France in 2009", 63% answered that it's a 'cultural design of feminine modesty', 14% that it's 'sectarian', 9% that it's backwards and 4% that it's 'oppression of the woman'.

Finally, 80% of the respondents say the creation of a parliamentary commission on wearing the burqa is a "stigmatization of Islam". 15% says it's 'useless' and 5% 'useful'.

The poll was conducted via Internet. According to, the 1,545 people aged 18+ who participated in the survey represent all socio-professional, denominational and cultural aspects of French Muslims.

Source: 20minutes (French)

See also:
* France: Muslim minister calls to ban burka
* France: Burka wearing 'marginal phenomenon', popular among converts
* France: Proposal for inquiry commission on burkas

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