Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Netherlands: Research on Islamic marriages

Netherlands: Research on Islamic marriages

I didn't see the study, but based on news reports it seems that it doesn't actually say anything new.

Some questions I would like to see answered:
Do the young people who contract such marriages involve their parents? Is this a way to use religion in order to rebel against tradition? Is this a form of women's lib? What happens to the women whose 'Islamic marriage' doesn't succeed? If their parents don't know about it, how do they later explain not being virgin?


The number of Islamic marriages in the Netherlands outside the legal framework is increasing. Particularly among second generation Moroccans and Dutch converts such an informal marriage is a way of finding pure Islam.

This according to a study by the University of Leiden for Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin. The minister will debate informal marriages and Sharia in the Netherlands in parliament.

Researchers Joanne van der Leun and Avalon Leupen says that the group which contracts informal marriages is small. Their study doesn't have any numbers, but they say that the talks which they conducted with those involved present a clear picture.

Where other studies show that informal Islamic marriages happen due to fundamentalist motives, that barely happens in the Netherlands, say Van der Leun and Leupen. "Marrying in a mosque by an imam is decreasing, At the least the study makes it clear that additionally to troubling motives there are many others, much less troubling." In the Netherlands such marriages take place mostly at home.

The most important reason named is that an informal marriage makes a relationship and sex possible, without having to marry by law. Living together without being married is mostly not accepted by the Muslim community. Religious marriage is also seen as an experimental period. If the partners are still with each other after a certain period, than they can take the next step to the municipality.

Source: BN/DeStem (Dutch)

See also:
* Hague: Mosque promises to stop illegal marriages
* Netherlands: No action against informal marriages,