Netherlands: Municipality project to have immigrants accept homosexuality

Netherlands: Municipality project to have immigrants accept homosexuality

The municipality of Zwolle is working on making homosexuality a discussable topic in immigrant circles.  The municipality is working together with COC Zwolle (gay integration org) and five religious orgazniations for immigrants.

The aim is not for the muinciaplity to impose from above how the immigrant community will increase the discussability and acceptance.  The proposal by alderman Kenkhuis says that they should have their own movement.. and that this needs to happen patiently and carefully.  "Zwolle asks citizens to work together on living together".

The municipalty wants to increase knowledge of homosexuality in immigrant circles, and thereby have both immigrants and professionals in Zwolle aware of the problematics.  Professional should also expand their expertise so they could back immigrants with quesitons or problems with the issue.  The municipality sees a role here for key figures in the immigrant community, religious organizations, self-organiztaions and social organizations.

Zwolle aims especially at immigrant under 64, because this group is by far the biggest in the municpality, and the first generaly is hard to reach and is mostly not open to the topic.  The municipality wants to direct and boost the process and to perform an examplary role.  The leading points of the policy are to create a basis and professional roots, information-exchange and guidance, giving out information and bringing the issue up.  "Respect for each ther and dialog with each other are therefore central."

The municipality points out that it's a lengthy and sensitive process.  The process should proceed in small steps, they say.  The municipalti is planning the policy for the period 2009-2011, and will receive for it 75,000 euro from the state.  In 2011 there will be an evaluation and it would be decided whether to continue the project in 2012. 

Source: Binnenlands Bestuur (Dutch)

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