The headline speaks of "Five Muslim boys and white girl", as if a white girl couldn't be Muslim. In this case, she isn't. The school has a Muslim majority and this story looks like similar stories from Germany, where the non-Muslim students in such schools sometimes feel the need to 'fit in' with their Muslim friends.
Via Daily Mail:
A 13-year-old boy who penned an online Remembrance Day tribute to Britain’s fallen soldiers was subjected to a vicious hate campaign by fellow pupils.
A gang of 12-year-old pupils made up of five Muslim boys and one non-Muslim girl made death threats to Darius Gill involving knives and knuckle-dusters because of his support for British troops.
One member of the gang also posted a picture of himself holding a rifle and threatened to hijack a plane.
The campaign was backed by more pupils belonging to a self-styled ‘Muslim Defence League’ celebrating British deaths in Afghanistan.
The students attend the 1,250-pupil Sidney Stringer Academy in Coventry. Muslim pupils make up 65 per cent of the school, which caters for children aged 11-18.(...)
Yesterday Darius said he was now too frightened to wear a poppy and claims he has been picked on at school because he is not Muslim.