Sunday, January 09, 2011

Sweden: Iraq warned of suicide-bomber two months before attack

Sweden: Iraq warned of suicide-bomber two months before attack

Foreign Policy discusses the Swedish connections of al-Qaeda in Iraq, but al-Qaeda in Iraq is not the only organization attracting Swedes. Swedish citizens and former residents lead several Somali terror groups (al-Shabaab, Hizbul Islam). Russia and Uzbekistan accuse Sweden of harboring Jihadis. In fact, over the past few years, Sweden has become an exporter of Jihad.

Via the Long War Journal (h/t JIHAD I MALMÖ):
The suicide bomber who attempted to kill people in a failed attack in Stockholm trained in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul along with an Egyptian, according to Iraqi officials.


Iraqi intelligence said that the information on Abdulwahab and the unnamed Egyptian was obtained during the interrogation of an al Qaeda in Iraq operative months ago, and that Iraq had warned the US of an impending attack "in the United States, Europe, or Britain."

"Iraq had information on bombings in Sweden, which it informed the Americans about before the bombing in Sweden by more than two months," Kanani said.


Long War Journal points out that Abdulwahab might have trained with the Alexandria bomber.