Lybia closes embassy in Denmark

Libya said Sunday it has decided to shut down its embassy in the Danish capital, Copenhagen, to protest the Danish media's "insult of Prophet Mohammad."

The Libyan foreign ministry said in a statement the move was also in response to the Danish government's failure to take a "responsible position" regarding this issue.

It warned it will adopt "economic measures" against the Scandinavian country, but gave no details.

Arab and Muslim countries, as well as the 57-member Organization of Islamic Conference, have condemned Denmark, which apologized to Saudi Arabia, for not taking enough measures to stop the "media onslaught on Islam."

They have called for boycotting Danish products and for a fatwa, or religious decree, to forbid the consumption of Danish goods.

Source: United Press International (English)


Anonymous said...

Why we Europeans are working for our destruction? We permit the colonization of our lands by the hands of these mentally retarded muslim. Stop the muslim immigration on Europe now and impose born controls on the already muslim residents in the EU.

Anonymous said...

I am really sick and tired of the hatred and intolerance that islam expresses time and time again.

Who the heck do they think they are telling us what to do in our own countries, when their countries allow no religious freedom whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, I am one of the Muslim residences in Switzerland. We have many different way of thinking within Muslim Followers in Indonesia where I am from, and not all Muslim followers are "Bad". I am a poor but not in my mind and heart. I have many great friends from different relegious and we respect each other very well. I am one of NON RADICALIST. I read one of the opinions from the readers on this link and it's so colorful. There was opinion saying "Stop the Muslim immigration on Europe, ect". Anyway, NOT all muslim followers as I said are "BAD". You can not blame everyone for the same reason. Just imagine how long had Dutch accupied Indonesia? Do we hate them in general? NO. Do we want to revenge by doing boycott their products? NO. You see very clear on this TRUE EXAMPLE story. Let's hold our hands and keep the universe colorful with beautiful flowers of different religions. Do not be easily influenzed by the "negative" arrogance people. In my family we have different religions and we love eachother. Religion MUST not keeping us apart. Peace from Basel Switzerland.