Monday, February 13, 2006


I have seen posts/comments saying that a Muslim cannot stand quietly by while his most sacred beliefs are being joked about. That might very well be, but in this case, the belief wasn't being joked about, it was the very essence of having an all out severely violent reaction when people try to voice an opinion that doesn't sit well with the Muslims. The point was made - Muslims indeed can't stand aside when free speech is exercised. What is important to the Europeans is not important to the Muslims.

To me, the sad thing is that what really needs to be addressed, won't be. After going out on massive, violent protests for a cartoon, what else can the Muslim community in Europe do when a cemetery is defiled? Go out on another protest?

By overreacting, the Muslim community caused more damage to itself than to anybody else.

And now a question to the Muslim readers. Let's say you agree with these protests.. what is the final goal? The paper that published the cartoons has apologized. Denmark has already apologized. Besides expressing anger, is there any point to the protests?