The Romanian Press Club, an organization composed of the owners of media outlets across the country, asked Romanian media not to publish the cartoons (Nine O'Clock)
In South Africa, editors denounced a "blow" to press freedom yesterday after the High Court issued an injunction banning them from publishing the cartoons. (Telegraph)
After the Arab European League, now also Iran decides to fight the Danish cartoons by calling for an anti-semitic cartoon contest (though I'm not sure how different this would be from the regular media publishings). Will the Jews burn down the Iranian embassies in Europe? Stay tuned.
French Muslims, on the initiative of the Union of Islamic Organizations in France, are considering suing newspapers that publish the Mohammed cartoons and are now consulting lawyers to see what grounds there are for such a lawsuit. (De Standaard)
About 1000 people protested in front of the Jyllands-Posten building in support of dialogue. (Jyllands-Posten)