Sunday, March 05, 2006

Norway: politican hurt in knife attack

Labor politician Khalid Mahmood was reportedly attacked after leaving an Oslo mosque on Friday.

Witnesses at the scene in Oslo's Grønland district said that two imams had been involved in the knifing but police could not confirm this.

"Three persons are injured after a stabbing in Motzfeldts gate," operation leader Even Jørstad of the Oslo police told

"We first got a report that five-six people were fighting outside Motzfeldts gate 5. It was said that one of these was driven by taxi to the emergency ward. When we arrived at the scene it became clear that three persons had been injured and gone to the emergency ward," Jørstad said.

None of the three is said to be seriously injured.

Newspaper VG reported on its web site that Labor politician Khalid Mahmood was attacked as he was leaving Friday prayers.

"I went out of the mosque and was attacked by a man with a knife. Luckily there were people with me that prevented this. The man escaped in a taxi," Mahmood told VG Nett.

Mahmood is a deputy member of parliament and an Oslo city council representative.

Source: Aftenposten (English)