Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sweden: honor killing

A father, mother and son from the same family have been charged with the murder of a 20 year old man in Högsby in Småland last November.

According to the prosecution, the man was killed by having hot oil poured over him. He was also stabbed a number of times and beaten on the body and head.

Prosecutor Kjell Yngvesson said that the 41 year old father, the 40 year old mother and the 17 year old son would be tried for murder.

The victim, a 20 year old asylum seeker from Afghanistan, was found dead in the family's home in Högsby. The incident was described as an honour killing, since the motive was thought to have been the 20 year old's relationship with the 16 year old daughter of the family, who also comes from Afghanistan.

As is usually the case, the minor son had primary responsiblity for the murder, since minors tend to be less harshly punished.

Source: The Local (English)