Should police arrest people who call for the destruction of the state? According to Mohammed Bouyeri, they should.
Mohammed B. handed out one of his most radical texts on the street in Amsterdam-West just a few months before the murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh on 2 November 2004, the Volkskrant reports.
B. himself says he fit the profile of a terrorist at this point already. "If the AIVD was really trying to fight terrorism they could have picked me out right away."
B. said this in court today as a witness in the appeal case against seven members of the Hofstad group.
In his text "To Catch a Wolf" B. calls on young Muslims to join the "caravan of martyrs." And writes that "it is only a matter of time before the knights of Allah march into the Binnenhof in The Hague and hoist the flag of Tawheed [the unity of God, ed.], in the middle of the square,"
In the courtroom B. said: "I photocopied the text, I stood on the street, passed it out to people, and told young people to read it." He estimates he handed out about 150 copies. He says this was a "signal to the police."
B. did not want to answer questions from the court about the "living room" meetings which the Hofstad members reportedly attended at his home. "You can call the AIVD about that," B said. He claims the intelligence and security service had placed recording equipment in his home.
"If you want the truth and nothing but the truth, then you should go to the AIVD."
Source: Expatica (English)