Buses and police cars attacked, police going in after stone throwing youth - according to this article this is the latest in flare-ups in what is a continuous situation.
A large police presence presence was called to the Hovsjö estate in Södertälje on Thursday evening as a period marked by fighting and stone-throwing reached its peak.
One bus had a window smashed by a stone while an unidentified object was thrown at a passing police car.
Shortly before 11pm police received reports that youths were tipping over cars in the area.
When they arrived in the area police did not find the youths in question. Instead elected to wait for reinforcements when their car was attacked.
Soon eighteen police cars from around the county arrived at the estate in the eastern town. Police sealed off the area in the hunt for stone throwers.
By the time the search came to an end just before 1am there had been no arrests.
"We blocked of the whole area and checked everybody, both motorists and pedestrians, but we didn't find anything.
"There has been trouble there for quite some time. Buses have been attacked on a number of occasions and drivers don't want to go in there any more . Also, on Wednesday another police car was attacked," said police spokeswoman Ritha Johanson.
The Hovsjö estate was built in the seventies as part of the Million Homes Programme. Around 80 percent of its inhabitants come from an immigrant background. [ed: Södertälje has a large Assyrian community (~30%)]
Source: The Local (English)
See also: Sweden: Grappling with Iraqi refugees, Malmö: Youth attack police