And then people wonder why Saudi Arabia forbids women from driving.
The Party for Freedom wants a study about the "quickly rising number" is women driving with a veil. The veil considerably narrows the women's field of vision, and they notice cyclists and pedestrians too late when turning. Parliament member Barry Madlener wants Minister of Transportation Eurlings to study the dangers of a veil and burqa. "I have already heard from many people that they that almost been ran over by a woman with a veil."
Madlener says that veils often stick out a bit, and obstruct the view to the side. Moreover drivers wearing a veil hear less.
There are no rules for wearing a veil in traffic. The parliament member wants women to take off the veil in the car if it turns out that it's dangerous.
Source: Nederlands Dagblad (Dutch)
Any person involved in an accident found to be wearing a veil should be prosecuted for dangerous driving. It is worse than talking on a mobile and that is a criminal offence.
don't tell me later.. that to stand with Minority appeasement policies.. the ministry had decided to ban womens from driving... in Saudi style.
Now truly i understand.. why Saudi women need body guard... there were 2 reasons... if they are alone.. then Saudi sexually frustrated mens... and if they are even burkha packed .. then they lost the sense...
Veils should be banned. This is information age not the dark age. If Muslims want to wear veils, ask them to go to Middle East and settle in the middle of a dessert. Then they should not have to drive cars, they have camels and they can enjoy their life like Bin Laden.
Women wearing Niqab, Burkah or Chador in public should be fined two times. A third time arrested for wearing such dreadful muslim garb, they should be deported back to their own countries.
That would bring some muslim women to their senses.....rom
Bearing in mind that oppressive Muslim garb for women is voluntary (though why anyone in their right mind would voluntarily wear a black sheet is beyond me), it should be made illegal to wear when operating a potentially lethal vehicle, such as a car. Having your senses severely contrained is hardly conducive to safe driving.
You want to wear the garb, fine, but no driving. People don't have to risk being killed or injured just because you're insane.
Big Brother doen't like the veils. Banning the veils would be doubleplusgood. If you don't think veils should be banned, then you are guilty of doubleplusungood crimethink. You will be sent to Miniluv and be remade goodthink fullwise.
Wait, I'M guilty of doubleplusungood crimethink. Well, it's off to Miniluv for me.
(I hate ignorant Islamophobes)
" I hate ignorant islamophobes".
Oooh, really? You have got a lot to do then!
What about the islamofascists?! Don't you hate them too????rom
PS: Nobody is really ignorant on islam by now. Islam takes care of it day after day......
I hate people who believe in a god who likes to flog women, cut off hands & kill apostates. That is not god but the devil.
Why do we keep tolerating this ignorant, medieval cult. Is it because we feel guilty about how our society has evolved over the last two thousand years. Or is it that we feel bad for a culture(Islam) that has not evolved since it's inception, has not invented, developed or artistically created anything in it's entire history. It is a cult that has been stuck in the 7th century for it's entire 1400 year existence.
We in the west need to ban all vestiges of this medieval cult from our society and not allow these people a platform to complain, adapt or go back to your sandbox.
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