Friday, June 08, 2007

Rotterdam: Moroccans often feel discriminated

Many Moroccans in Rotterdam regularly feel discriminated, according to the Rotterdam Anti-Discrimination Action Council (Rotterdamse Anti-Discriminatie Actie Raad, Radar) in a report handed Thursday to the Rotterdam councilor of participation and Cultural, Orhan Kaya. By the far the most cases of discrimination take place at work.

In the first half of this year, 650 Rotterdam residents of Moroccan origin were asked about concrete cases of discrimination and situations in which they felt discriminated again. according to the surveyors many felt quickly "and sometimes too quickly" the target of discrimination. The group is regularly seen as the target of condescending remarks, swearing, refusals, threats and violence.

The survey found 150 concrete cases of discrimination, especially in the labor market. In job interview applicants regularly dealt with irrelevant questions about convictions. Women and youth made the most reports of discrimination. Women with a veil, fro example, had trouble finding a job or internship.

Moroccans generally don't see themselves as a victim, according to the report. However they try to avoid discrimination by looking for a job within their own ethnic circles.

Source: Trouw (Dutch)

See also: Study: Moroccons more content in Dutch speaking cities