Sunday, January 27, 2008

Amsterdam/Copenhagen: Demonstrations

Two demonstrations this past Saturday, which didn't get much media attention:

In Amsterdam:

About 80-100 people participated in a demonstration against the "Islamization of Europe" in Amsterdam, organized by Stop Islamization of Europe (SIOE). The group had expected about 300 people.

A counter-demonstration taking place at the same time attracted 30-40 people, organized by "Stop the witchunt against Muslims". They gave out flyers and engaged demonstrators and passerbys in discussion.

The police was at hand to intervene, and reported that it was a calm protest.

A video of the protest is available here, as well as a pre-protest interview (partially in English)

In Copenhagen:

In Copenhagen, Hizb ut-Tahrir organized a demonstration in front of the Egyptian embassy. According to what the organization told the Copenhagen police, the aim was to draw attention to the situation in Gaza.

"The Jewish state escalated its war against the Muslims in Palestine, where it commits one crime after the other: outpouring of the children's blood, murder of innocent civilians and initiation of a malicious siege against the population of Gaza with full support from the Egyptian kufr regime," said a Hizb ut-Tahrir's press release (Danish).

Hizb ut-Tahrir describes itself as "a political party whose ideology is Islam". The organization expected several hundred demonstrators.

Since this didn't make the news, it's unclear whether it took place at all, and if so how many people showed up.

Sources: AT5 1, 2, (Dutch), Nyhedsavisen (Danish)