Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rotterdam: Politician signs Hizb ut-Tahrir petition, but stays anyway

Extremist Rotterdam politician Bouchra Ismaili, who got to national news after sending a hate email, can stay in her position. Even though she has now been confronted with yet another 'blunder'.

She had also signed a petition of the extremist Muslim organization Hizb ut-Tahrir. At first she had denied this in a special debate Tuesday evening.

But Ismaili apologized and managed to pacify most of the parties in the neighborhood council.

Ismaili signed the petition later on the same day she had sent the email (Jan. 13th).

From the Hizb ut-Tahrir site:

Signed: 13 jan 2008 23:31:29 CET
By: Bouchra Ismaili

It's time to get rid of a culture that damages our Islam and to spread the true beauty of Islam. Only so will we grow in our Islam. We mustn't put in energy to change others, but rather change ourselves.


Sources: Telegraaf, Hizb ut-Tahrir site (Dutch)

See also: Rotterdam: An email to a devil worshiper, Netherlands: Hizb ut-Tahrir threatening with violence, Netherlands: Hizb ut-Tahrir youth in campaign against Geert Wilders