65% of youth under 18 whose arrest was extended by the Copenhagen court in 2007, were of foreign origin, and 35% were Danish. This according to a new report from the Copenhagen Police.
The picture is the same when all age groups are added together. 63% of the 1715 people who were brought to court last year were of foreign background, while 37% were Danish.
The data is from the court and is the first since the police reform, when the Copenhagen Police added in the two former police districts of Frederiksberg and Tårnby.
Police statistics show that robbery, violence, theft and burglary are the major crimes for suspects under 18. Foreigners accounted for 67% of theft suspects and 69% of burglary . The statistics also show that young Danes were the most violent and they accounted for 61% of violence suspects.
Altogether there were 129 arrests of youth under 18. 84 were of foreign origin and 45 were Danish. Some of the youth were arrested more than once last year, and so there were just 117 people among the 129.
Copenhagen Police also keeps track of which countries the suspects come from. For young suspects under 18 only one of the 84 came from a Nordic country and none from the rest of the Europe. There were 10 suspects from ex-Yugoslavia, 12 from Morocco, 8 from Somalia, 9 from Iraq, 5 from Lebanon, 6 from the rest of the Middle East, 7 from Turkey and 6 from the rest of East Europe. The rest were from other countries such as Pakistan, the rest of Asia etc.
Lars Nikolaj Jensen of the Copenhagen Police criminal prevention unit says that the numbers aren't alarming, and that they are actually surprised they weren't higher, since they had integrated Frederiksberg and Tårnby into the statistics. Overall, he says, there hasn't been a real increase even if the numbers are always too high.
Source: TV2 (Danish), h/t Hodja (Danish)