The Minister of National Education Xavier Darcos visited the place and saw close to fifty swastikas and racist inscriptions in the yard of the school. Inscription such as "Kill all Arabs", "Fuck the Muslims", "White Power", "White Front 34", "Fuck the Jews", "Allah = PD" (ie, gay), "Heil Hitler", "Sieg Heil" and "Fuck Islam".
The school has about 400 students. According to first reports from the investigation, conducted by the Agde police and the criminal division of the police of Montpellier, two different handwritings have been discovered by the investigators, in all likelihood those of adults.
The eduction director of Montpellier denounced the vandalism acts, as did the minister of national education, speaking of a serious assault of a fascist, racist and xenophobic nature.
Complaints have been filed. The yard of the Rene Cassin school was closed for the day.
Fadela Amara, Secretary of State for Urban Policies, condemned Thursday the racist and antisemitic defacement.
"France has always been and must stay a country of living together and we must mobilize in order that never again would a citizen feel humiliated in our territory, that is the Republic," says Amara in a statement. Within her functions she will "continue to fight against all forms of obscurantism."
Minister of Education Xavier Darcos, who visited the place spoke of the 'emotion' of the government in the face of these 'unspeakable' acts.
"I came here to express my sympathies for the staff, to everybody, but also to tell of the emotion of the government in the face of such absolutely unspeakable acts," said the minister.
Xavier Darcos condemned a "desecration of an extremely violent character, since there are fifty inscription, forty-five swastikas, words in Germany reminiscent of Nazi origin, praise of Nazism, insults against Jews and Muslims."
"We are facing insults and provocations of a racist, antisemitic, xenophobic character, in short facing a horror, a moral horror," he continued.
"It seems that it's a matter of work done by adult people, who know to write. It not a matter of badly made things, done in haste, it an issue of systematic defacement, in several corridors, on the stairs, high up. This shows that the battle is never done against stupidity, against ignorance, against provocation," concluded the minister of education.
The FSU, the largest education union, expressed it's "indignation in the face of the contemptible inscriptions" and it's "full support of the educational community college."
"Such acts reinforce the need for the school to contribute to fighting racism, antisemitism and xenophobia and against all discrimination," which means educative work for the long term, says the FSU in a communique.
Licra, the international league against racism and antisemitism in "an appeal to the president of the Republic," note "the potentially disturbing increase in the past few months of this type of provocations against our Muslims and Jewish fellow citizens." The association noted that the college targeted "bears the name Rene Cassin, the father of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, whose 60th anniversary will be celebrated in Paris in December."
The Union of Jewish Students in France (UEJF) denounced the "existence of invisible antisemitism based on prejudices which evokes reactions which only after dramatic expressions of these acts."
"These racist and antisemitic acts demonstrated that it's necessary to fight these evils should also continue in school," according to president Raphaël Haddad.
Sources: Nouvelobs, Herault Tribune (French)