A Muslim radiographer claims she was forced out of her job because she refused to bare her arms as required by NHS hygiene policy.
She was told by bosses at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading that all staff must roll up their sleeves to the elbow.
But the unnamed woman instead chose to quit, claiming she was forced out by discrimination over her religious beliefs, including the Islamic teaching that women should cover their bodies in public.
The NHS's "bare below the elbows" dress code was introduced in January in a bid to combat superbugs like Clostridium difficile and MRSA.
The woman, supplied to the hospital on June 16 by an agency, told the Daily Telegraph she wants to "prevent the policy from being universally applied, so other Muslim women do not experience the same trauma".
Clare Edmondson, director of human resources at the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, said: "Infection control is a major issue for hospitals across the NHS. We have an excellent track record in this area and to maintain this we have introduced a bare below the elbows' policy for all staff or agency employees working within clinical areas.
Source: Asian Image (English)
See also: UK: Medical students refusing to follow new hygiene rules, UK: Birmingham Hospital bans veil
"...so other Muslim women do not experience the same trauma."
"Trauma"? Give me a break. This is another blatant example of the ways in which the Islamists use cultural jihad to push back against Western laws, which apply equally to everyone, until Muslims get special dispensation and preferential treatment. The fact that there is a scientific/medical basis for this "bare-arm" requirement is clearly irrelevant to the Islamists, who put themselves in such positions precisely so they can provoke challenge the law.
Sorry sweetheart, but the prevention of life-threatening infections trumps your silly religious affectations.
Bare below the elbow is a new policy with no evidence supporting it prevents spread of Mrsa and clostridium, although adequate hand hygiene does .
NHS claims of employing people without discriminating its employees and it should take into account that muslim belief has a dress code for women that nothing should be exposed of the women after puberty except her face and hands ., and that is to promote modesty nothing else
.... nothing strange in that , Mary (Jesus's mother ), mother teresa wore similar clothes and so do practising christian women.
If u force a person to chose between faith and job , that is DISCRIMINATION...period.
As from what i know practising muslim women ,rinse their nose with water 15 times per day , for five compulsory prayers .(So I believe they must be the least carriers of MRSA) .and wash their arms 15 times daily from hands down to elbows for the compulsory ablution, so they are the least possible people to be carriers of germs ,
Bare below the elbow is a new policy with no evidence supporting it prevents spread of Mrsa and clostridium, although adequate hand hygiene does .
NHS claims of employing people without discriminating its employees and it should take into account that muslim belief has a dress code for women that nothing should be exposed of the women after puberty except her face and hands ., and that is to promote modesty nothing else
.... nothing strange in that , Mary (Jesus's mother ), mother teresa wore similar clothes and so do practising christian women.
If u force a person to chose between faith and job , that is DISCRIMINATION...period.
As from what i know practising muslim women ,rinse their nose with water 15 times per day , for five compulsory prayers .(So I believe they must be the least carriers of MRSA) .and wash their arms 15 times daily from hands down to elbows for the compulsory ablution, so they are the least possible people to be carriers of germs .
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