Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Charleroi: Attack on Synagogue

Charleroi: Attack on Synagogue

DHnet speaks of rising tensions between Jews and Muslims.  On the one hand, there is no proof these acts were done by Muslims.  On the other, Jews are not attacking mosques.

The French language blog Philosemeitsm also writes about attacks against Jews in Brussels and Antwerp.


Tension is increasing between Jews and Muslims in Charleroi.

The synagogue at Pige au Croly in Chareloi has been the object of a small attack Tuesday afternoon.

The vandals threw a stone through a window before setting fire to the entrance door.
Fortunately, the fire did not have time to spread and damage was very limited.

The Museum of the Righteous (musée des Justes), dedicated to all who rescued Jews, wasn't touched, fortunately.

The local police of Charleroi was notified and descended upon the place, together with a lab.

Given the current context in the Middle East and the palpable tensions here between the Muslims and Jewish communities, the minister of the interior was informed of the situation.

Maurice Konopnicki, president of the Jewish community of Charleroi, condemned the hostile action against the synagogue.

"It's painful.  I am both shocked and afraid.  We are all Carolos [ie, residents of Charleroi], born  here, in this country.  What's happening in Israel isn't our responsibility.  Why then attack us?  Our religion deserves to be respected like all others.  I hope that this act remains exceptional."
Yet, in the Charleoi region other signs of tensions are sprouting.  In Acoz and Lausprelle, on the rue de Villers, a sinister slogan "Israel = assassins" was painted on a bus stop and residence.

These acts were condemned by both the Jewish community and the leaders of the Muslim community.

Source: DHNet (French)