CR: Europe is headed for Muslim future, says Czech Cardinal

Twenty years following the fall of communism the Czech Republic is at EU's helm.

But for years the EU member states cannot decide what form the constitutional treaty should take.

Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, the head of the Czech Roman Catholic Church, is adamant that behind the failure to adopt the euro-treaty is the absence of what Europe feels natural about - Christian values.


Cardinal Vlk expressed strong disapproval of Islamic fundamentalism. "It is abuse of the Quran in the name of power. Islamic fundamentalism sets if someone does not live according to God, he must be killed. That is absurd," said Cardinal Vlk.

He believes in the dialogue between Christians and Muslims but "in terms of culture and opinions Islam is medieval".

"I do not want to sound negative... but in Islam a religion assumes the position of the state power and rules the people. Our European Christian experience proved that it is not the right way," said Cardinal Vlk.

Demographically dying out, Cardinal Vlk expects Europe to become markedly more Muslim in the 21st century because of the low fertility of Europeans the majority of whom are non-believers. It is a well-known fact that countries that are secularized reproduce more slowly than countries that are more pious.

"Muslims in Europe have much more children than Christian families. That is why demographers have been trying to come up with a time when Europe will become Muslim," Cardinal Vlk claimed.

While European Muslims are living their religion, Europeans are "pagans, as they do not respect their religion". To face the danger of dying out, Europe needs to install a program of spiritual rehabilitation.

"If we do not restore Europe in terms of Christian values, we will surely die out," Cardinal Vlk said.

Source: Czechnews (English)

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