Friday, February 06, 2009

Italy: Govt okays local 'vigilante' patrols

Italy: Govt okays local 'vigilante' patrols

Anti-Immigrant vigilante groups in Italy could begin organising themselves to start street patrols to monitor any 'illegal activities' by immigrants. The move was made after the Italian senate approved on Thursday legislation allowing the patrols.

However, the opposition Democratic Party (PD) introduced an amendment banning the patrols from carrying arms and limiting their role to notifying authorities of any 'wrongdoing' by immigrants.

"From today, we abandon do-gooding. From now on it will be a tough battle against criminality and illegal immigration," said Northern League Senate whip Federico Bricolo, who also dismissed claims of racism by members of opposition parties.

Maurizio Gasparri, one of the presidents of the parliamentary groups of the centre-right People of Freedom Party in the Senate and the Lower House, said the bill was to safeguard the rights of Italians.

"These are laws that give precedence to the rights of Italians, because for us, Italians come first. We are not racist, the opposition should be ashamed of themselves."

"When I take my daughter to school in the morning, I would rather see an old man with a coloured vest, (carrying out vigilante duties) rather than someone dealing drugs," said Gasparri.

The patrols will be able to point out "events that can cause harm to public security, or situations of environmental distress," the legislation states.


Source: AKI (English)

See also:
* Italy: Muslims feel under siege
* Italy: Wariness of Muslims
* Italy: Immigrants should be treated with 'Nazi methods'