Thursday, February 05, 2009

Scandinavia: Headscarf for police agents

Scandinavia: Headscarf for police agents

Though the Norway Police decided to allow police agents to wear headscarves, the final decision on the topic is up to the justice minister.  Meanwhile, the police union is strongly against it.

This article looks at the situation in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.


Denmark is now the only country in Scandinavia which doesn't allow Muslims women in the police to wear a headscarf. 

Several years ago Sweden allowed police agents to wear a turban, headscarf of the Jewish kippah.  Thursday Norway followed suit and allowed female Musilm agent to wear the hijab in service.  An hijab cover the hair and goes down over the neck, but leaves the face clear.

But in Denmark National Police Personnel Commissioner Lene Frank says that headscarves and other religious head covering are forbidden as addition to the uniform in the Danish police.

"With the existing ordinances for police uniforms it's not possible to wear a headscarf, for example, together with the police uniforms," says Lene Frank in written remarks.

The decision of the national police gets support from the chairman of the police union, Peter Ibsen.

"We occasionally exercise force against the citizens and therefore it is incredibly important that we signal independence and neutrality," he says.

In 2006 the National Swedish Police approved for police agents to wear a turban, headscarf and kippah in service.  There are still certain regulations for head coverings.  They must have fit in color and pattern to the uniform and cannot deviate from the safety requirements.

Source: Berlingske (Danish)

See also: Norway: Hijab allowed with police uniform

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