Monday, February 07, 2011

Denmark: More Muslims convert to Christianity

Denmark: More Muslims convert to Christianity

Via Politiken:

Priests, ecclesiastical organisations and experts all agree that the number of those who convert from Islam to Christianity has steadily increased in recent years.

“I would say that there are 100-150 Muslims in Denmark who convert each year,” says Intercultural Studies Expert Mogens Mogensen Ph. D.

Mogensen has carried out the most extensive survey ever of conversions from Islam to Christianity in Denmark. The survey concludes that almost 1,000 Muslims converted between 1980 and 2007.

“But in recent years the phenomenon has increased. Probably as a result of the fact that through education and work, Muslims have had much closer contact with Christians in Denmark and their values. We see a clear correlation between integration and the number of conversions,” Mogensen says.


Islamic Researcher Jørgen Bech Simonsen of the Copenhagen University Institute for Cross-cultural and Regional Studies, says the tendency will continue.

“The Muslims who take up residency in Denmark are challenged by another religious understanding and thus ask themselves questions about religion. The world is becoming much more globalised and will result in more people challenging what they come from,” says Simonsen.
