Wilders: Enough is enough

Dutch politician Geert Wilders has recently called, in an article in Dutch newspaper Volkskrant, to ban the Koran in the Netherlands. Klein Verzet had written a good summary of the background to Wilders' article and the responses it got (see Setting us up for another murder). I bring below a translation of this article


I've been shouting it already for years: moderate Islam does not exist. For whoever doesn't believe me: read the speech that the Italian author Oriana Fallaci, who unfortunately passed away last year, gave on Nov. 28, 2005 in New York, when she received an award in honor of her heroic opposition to Islamofascism and her fight for freedom (*): "Moderate Islam does not exist. It doesn't exist because there is no distinction between Good Islam and Bad Islam. There is Islam and that's all. And Islam is the Koran, and nothing but the Koran. And the Koran is the Mein Kampf of a religion which aims to eliminate others, that calls these others - non Muslims - infidel dogs, inferior creatures. Read that Koran, that Mein Kamp, once more. In whichever version than also you will see that all the evil that the sons of Allah began against us and themselves, originates in that book." (Oriana Fallaci, The Force of Reason, post-script, p. 305, Feb. 2006).'

Ehasn Jami is such an infidel dog, an apostate Muslim who had the guts to call the prophet Mohamed a criminal and to call certain regulations from the Koran backwards. And who had also gotten it into his head to stand up for other infidel dogs and has even established a committee for them. Allah thinks that apostasy deserves the death sentence. Last Saturday that almost became reality: the infidel Jami was attacked by two Moroccans and a Somali till he bled.

Enough is enough. Let us stop with political correctness rubbish. It's good that Jami is now protected and a disgrace that this hasn't happened earlier but it doesn't solve the root of the problem. The root of the problem is fascist Islam, the sick ideology of Allah and Mohamed as set down in the Islamic Mein Kampf: the Koran. The texts from the Koran leave little to the imagination.

In various suras Muslims are called upon to oppress, persecute or murder Jews, Christians, those of other faiths and non-believers, beat and rape women and using violence establish a worldwide Islamic state. Suras a plenty which call upon and incite Muslims to death and destruction.

Ban that wretched books like Mein Kampf is also banned! Give a sign in this way to the attackers of Jami and other Islamists that the Koran may never ever be used as inspiration or excuse for violence in our land.

How I'm ashamed of Dutch politicians. Their naivety and sick pursuit towards the Utopian moderate Islam that only brings to our land hell and damnation. How I'm ashamed of all those in the cabinet and the parliament who refuse to stop the Islamic invasion of the Netherlands. How I'm ashamed of Dutch politicians who day after day accept the over-representation of immigrants in crime and have no answer for it.

The Hague is full of cowardly people. Scared people who are born cowards and will die cowards. Who think and promote that Dutch culture will be based on a Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition. Who grant a general pardon to liars and criminals. Who look the other way when homosexuals are meanwhile attacked almost daily. Who want to introduce sharia mortgages.

Who meet with representatives of the terrorist Hamas. Who effectively work for the dictatorial Moroccan king. Who see extremists of the Muslim Brotherhood as discussion partners. Who allow Muslim men to refuse treatment of their sick wife by male doctors. Who don't care for the interest of the Dutch citizen and who collaborate with the transformation of the Netherlands into Nether-Arabia (Nederabiƫ) as a province of the Islamic super-state Eurabia.

I've had enough of Islam in the Netherlands: no more Muslim immigrants. I've had enough of the worship of Allah and Mohamed in the Netherlands: no more mosques. I've had enough of the Koran in the Netherlands: ban that fascist book.

Enough is enough.

Source: Volkskrant (Dutch)

(*) ed. comment: Oriana Fallaci received the Center for the Study of Popular Culture's Annie Taylor Award in New York.


Anonymous said...

a little too late, but Islam needs good challenges so it can find different ways to get more sharper and strike right at the heart of this ancient Christian civilisation. Its time for a change and its time for Islamic change.

Christianity is well and truly deceased replaced but sex, alcohol and music, the younger non-Muslim society are fading away from any hope to revive Christianity paving the way for younger Muslim society to enter, focused, dedicated, shape and religious ready to take on new challenges. But unfortunatly the generation that is throwing the weak challenges are already old and one foot in the grave.

like I said, a little too late.

Teekocher said...

"Islam needs good challenges so it can find different ways to get more sharper and strike right at the heart of this ancient Christian civilisation."

You are the one who wrote that Jihad means inner struggle?

Anonymous said...

We shouldn't ban a book, we should ban all Islamic organizations like mosques. We should just act as if it were communist of fascists in preparation of a take over of the host country.

Anonymous said...

Kafir, you're a stupid cunt.

It has nothing to do with Christian vs Islam. It's about your backwards, hypocritical religion shitting on our civilization. A civilization that is based on rights and equality. Something you shit-bag Mooselims aren't accustomed to in your shitty third world countries.

Your lucky that your slimy ass even got into Europe. It's because the liberal pussies who refuse to acknowledge that multiculturalism does not work and cedes ground to a bunch of loud Mooselims.

Secretly, non-religious and Christian Europeans alike hate your kind. They hate your hypocrisy, they hate your backwards customs, they hate your complaining, they hate your laziness, and some hate the color of your skin. But most people regardless of whether they talk and smile to your face, hate you.

Just remember who is first, Europeans. You Mooselims would be crushed on our heels like a slimy bug if we choose to unite. Remember that. When the situation gets real, us European's are use to a challenge, we can handle you pitiful excuses of a human being.

Pray to Allah that it never happens. The only way you can stop it is by growing up, shutting up, getting a job, and going about your lives like any other immigrant. But none of you idiots have been able to do it, so get your ticket to Middle East ready.

Anonymous said...

In a nut shell Islam is about world dommination! this is a short and brief view of how the muslims intend to attain their agenda of islamification of the whole world and what is their motivation.Let me start by saying that most of us are ill informed about islam being a religion of peace and most of the muslims we know are the peace lovinging moderate silent majority, and the religion of is hijacked by radical elements .Well it is not so. We will have to agree that the religion of the world have some point of time undergone this changes mentioned above,but none of the religions advocates the death for not sharing the same faith,whatever excess and volience which was caused by the people of other faith were purely political and not religious, although some amount of religious intolerance is there in all the mentioned religions even today .BUT IN CASE OF ISLAM ,IT IS INTOLRANCE WHICH IS THE RELIGION,IT IS A BLUE PRINT FOR MASS MURDER IN A INDUSTRIAL SCALE WHICH TRANCENDS PLACE AND TIME,(meaning the project which was started almost 1400years ago is not complete until the world would be completely converted Islam)THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE TO STOP, COME HELL OR HIGH WATER ,OR ALL OF US HAVE CONVERT TO ISLAM THERE IS NO THIRD OPTION BECAUSE- The muslims ummah propgates expnasion of islam by all means ,First and fore most by the sword ,it is the duty of all the muslims to kill the non muslims it written. the koran state that there is no other god other than Allah and Mohammed is only true porphet,any one who beg's to differ is a infidel and kafir so should be beheaded at once.It is said to them donot to be friend kaffir(the non muslims)! strike them when you get the chance..Any peace treaty with the muslims is invalid, as the koran say make peace treaty with the infedals, in the dead of the night go out kill them all . Every muslim no matter how he or she is educated in western value 's DO NOT FOLLOW MULTICULTURE ethics it is evident in the way they dress, they live.It is a mere obligation that muslims pretend that they follows the law of the land(this is allowed in islam-Taqiyya-to be decitfull to confuse the nonbeliver) when they are minority!.If they become tha majority the rules of engagment diffrent,Remember(jessiya the slave tax which give's the non beliver right to live in muslim dominated country,persecution are many in islam yet it called the universal brother hood-) & who ever disagrees has to be beheaded.Polygamy is rampant in islam have any one every wondred why? the point is women in islam are sub-human without any rigths on their own ,they are only useful to reproduce their own, It is because polygamy leads to a lot of children .They breed like rabbits,And without a single short being fired one fine day in the near future (may be in another 50-75 years) the muslims will over run Europe by sheer numbers,this also a method of jihad, Might sound LIke conspiracy theory,?Here comes answer as the muslims immigrant from pakistan,libya,morroco and the north afircan belt,middle east & sub continent come to Europe with the cloths on their backs and empty pockets & their peace full brotherhood they slowly change demograph of europe, as of now.,(More than 53 million Muslims live in Europe -- 14 million of them in the European Union and growing.) in Europe. A Europe which dose not belive in any thing now(GOD, FAMILY VALUES,IDEOLOGY or,IDENTY). ,because of their hypocriscy, of being politically correct or because,widely held libral secular views or simply lack of will to act,The european's way of life as we know it now will cease to exist. thank to our Muslim appeasing politicians who are only intrested in there votes because of their growing numbers,so they could hold on to power,These hypocrites look the other way when EUROPEAN WOMEN ARE GANGE RAPED,AND HUMILIATED , by these peace loving Muslims,Muslims aim is ISLAMIFICATION OF the whole world,but one step at a time. This is what happened in Egypt almost 1300 yrs ago,after conquering the arabian peninsular by war ,the Muslims went on to conqure mighty egypt which was then a super power,which was a very advanced cosmopolitan culture,Rich in science,astonomy,mathematics and medical science(remember the LIBARY OF ALEXANDRIA a center of higher knowledge-no more) like that of present day Europe, the culture which we admire so much and fascinated,is now confined to the pages of histoy thanks to peace full islam and his prophet.The muslims from the arab heart land populated Egypt ,the native's of this once ancient land became a minorty in their own land, Enslaved & Persecuted and heavily taxed and they vanished without a trace in less than 100 years .And yes the koran advocates this to be a form of jihad.......................ethnic cleansing i would say!...can we still claim islam to a religion of peace!.i see europe going the same way ...........not far behind is America .it not to late................sit up and smell the coffee!.let us still not say that Islam is peacefull...it time the World ( the people, politicians& media) strat acting today tomorrow migth be too late for who ever who is not a muslim


Anonymous said...

This side is a call for voilence. I am agains voilence. i am for the things Geerd Wilders stand for. And we have to regulate who is comming in to the Netherlands.We have to convert the muslims in to Cristians. We have the beleave of peace And we have to teatch that to the muslim world and learn them tolerance. We all Jews Muslims and Cristians beleave in the same God. The God of Abrham. We are more a like as we are diferend from each other. Were in the past did we forgot that.


Anonymous said...


When the violence of Islam is criticised, the usual responses by Muslims and others are: What about the Crusades? What about Northern Ireland? Isn't Christian history as bloody as Islamic history? However, such a simplistic comparison ignores a fundamental difference between the two religions, and evades pertinent truth. While the crusades were a failure on the part of medieval Roman Catholicism to obey the New Testament (see Matthew 5: 43-5; 26: 52; Luke 9: 56; Romans 13: 10; 2 Corinthians 10: 4-5; Ephesians 6: 12), Islamic violence is in perfect harmony with the dictates of the Qur'an (see Suras 2: 178, 244; 4: 84, 96; 9: 5, 12, 41, 73, 122).

So, a 'Christian response' to Islam demands careful definition. In short, by the standard of the Bible, both Islam and the Roman Catholic Church are guilty. Furthermore, Muslims were not the only targets of Vatican violence. Jews and Protestants have also been victims. While some early Protestants had difficulty in shaking off the violent and unbiblical legacy of Rome, the Reformed Churches appealed to the Bible against both Islamic and Roman persecution. Of all Rome's protestant victims, the Reformed Churches of France suffered the most. From (and even before) the St Bartholomew Massacre (1572) to the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685), the catalogue of crimes against French Reformed believers defies the imagination. Indeed, Rome's methods were hardly different from those of Islam.

The root cause of Rome's policy against the Huguenots was the latter's rejection of papal tyranny and tradition in favour of a pure attachment to biblical doctrine and practice. Thus, the authentic 'Christian response' to both Rome and Islam is the 'Reformed response'. This is clearly reflected in The Form and Manner of Baptising Pagans, Jews, Muslims and Anabaptists converted to the Christian Faith; composed by the National Synod of the Reformed Churches of France, assembled at Charenton [near Paris], in the year 1645. The form relating to Muslims is worthy of our consideration. It reminds us that the basic issues are those of Scripture, the person and work of Christ and the character of the Qur'an:

Q. 1 Do you...believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments be inspired of God, and contain His whole counsel for the salvation of men, and are the only perfect rule of faith and life?

A. Yes.

Q. 2 Do you...believe that Jesus the son of the blessed virgin Mary, who was conceived in her by the virtue of the Holy Ghost, and formed as to the flesh out of her own substance, is God and man, blessed for evermore, perfect God, and perfect man; man born of a woman in due fullness of time, and God begotten of the Father from everlasting?

A. Yes.

Q. 3 Do you...believe that the Lord Jesus, from his first conception after the flesh, was holy, innocent, without blemish, and separate from sinners; and that he did not suffer death for his own sins, but for ours only?

A. Yes.

Q. 4 Do you...believe that his death is the propitiation for our sins, yea, and for the sins of the whole world; and that this propitiation is infinitely meritorious, through which everlasting glory and salvation were purchased for us?

A. Yes.

Q. 5 Do you...believe that Muhammad was an impostor, and that his Qur'an is a sacrilegious heap of idle fancies, full of absurdities, broached on design to set up a false and abominable religion?

A. Yes.

Q. 6 Do you...believe that the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth; and that in the Christian religion, only God the Father hath revealed his good will and pleasure for the salvation of men, until the end of the world; and that since its revelation, there is not any new religion to be expected, for that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only great Prophet promised unto the faithful of the Old Testament; and that God having formerly spoken at sundry times, and in divers manners unto men, before the Law, and under the Law, hath spoken to the Church of the New Testament, by the mouth of his only Son the Lord Jesus?

A. Yes.

Q. 7 Give an account of your creed.

A. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of, &c.

Source: John Quick, Synodicon in Gallia Reformata (London, 1692), ii. 449.

So may the Huguenots enable us to assess correctly the religious dimension of the current world crisis. While guilty terrorists must be brought to justice, may we avoid a coalition crusade against innocent Muslims. May they only be targeted with truth and lured by love. May God in His infinite grace and mercy bring Muslims and inconsistent Christians to a true confession and expression of the Gospel of His only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Only then will the world know peace and harmony.

Dr Alan C. Clifford
Pastor, Norwich Reformed Church

Anonymous said...


The UK’s Archbishop of Canterbury’s shameful proposals on shari’ah displayed a contemptible naivety and a betrayal of the Faith he professes to represent. Indeed, too many churchmen as well as politicians are gripped by cowardice in the face the Muslim menace. One fears that the oft-stated ‘clash of civilisations’ will inevitably erupt with violence on British and European streets when expected demographic predictions reach a critical point - unless we all decide to embrace Islam, of course! Irrespective of the naive incompetence of ‘PC’ EU and UK government policies, it is the amazing and long-suffering tolerance of British and European people that keeps a lid on such terrible possibilities. But for how much longer?

As a Reformed Church Christian pastor, I pursue a mission which seeks the conversion of Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Religiously and politically, I desire compassion for all and malice towards none. Whether people follow the dictates of a false religion like Islam or they prefer the decadent life-style of much modern European and British secularism, all need the life-transforming message of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I believe there is simply no realistic hope for the peace and stability of Europe and the UK without a revival of authentic Christianity. However problematic it is to penetrate the minds of today’s white secular materialists, the Islamic threat is an altogether ‘mega’ problem. The relatively peaceable attitude of the Muslim majority is simply a phase on the road to eventual fulfilment of the jihadic goal of global Islam. The ‘militant-moderate’ distinction is ultimately meaningless. While governments bleat about ‘integration’, Muslims are only interested in ‘domination’. Give them time and they will achieve it. A recent report says it all:

Extreme Islamics said the hardline system – where people are punished by stoning and beheading – is the future. Speaking at a meeting in Birmingham, Abu Ibraheem said: “Let us make this absolutely clear. Islam is not subject to dilution, compromise or relegation. “The behaviour of some Muslims is failing miserably to meet these commands.” About 50 activists held the meeting in the same town where terrorist Parviz Khan, 36, plotted to behead a British soldier. Ten thousand leaflets were distributed to attract moderate Muslims. They criticised comments by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, 58, who suggested parts of Sharia law may be good for the UK. Abu Abdullah, who spoke at the meeting, added: “The purpose of this was not to discourage Muslims from following English laws. “It is to educate people about Sharia and its meanings.”
(BNP News Team, 26 February 2008)

From my perspective, there is only one solution. If European and UK Muslims will not exchange the essentially-backward and barbaric tenets of their fanatical faith for the wonderfully soul-saving and civilising faith of Jesus Christ, they must emigrate to countries that share their outlook. For their safety’s sake, I urge them to follow this advice.

Muslims must cease abusing the hospitality of our tolerant culture and, where applicable, the generosity of our social benefits. They must take their money, their mores and their mosques elsewhere. Otherwise, the consequences of the growing crisis in Europe and the UK will prove too dire for words.

Question: Is there a specifically biblical basis for demanding the migration of Muslims for their own safety? Is there any biblical authority for this line of thinking?

Reply: Next to an evangeIistic concern for all, I am also concerned for the peace and stability of European and UK society (see Jer. 29: 7), which is under threat from the presence of an alien religious and political ideology. Besides the constant threat of UK-based Islamic terrorism (London is the terrorist capital of Europe), two fundamentally opposed cultures cannot coexist in one state without creating intolerable friction.

The evil intent of global Islamic jihadism with its determination to impose shari’ah law on subject nations, makes it impossible long term for us to ‘lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence’ (1 Tim. 2: 2). While Christians under the Roman Empire were urged to submit to the Government (see Rom. 13: 1-7), Islamists intend to overthrow UK democracy and take control of the EU. Since Islam is at war with the West, we dare not permit them (or their sympathisers) to live in our midst any more than we would have tolerated the Nazi invaders.

Thus biblical and common sense (see Acts 26: 25) dictate that, to avoid civil war, it is mutually beneficial for the Muslim population to emigrate, for their safety and ours, unless Europe and the UK are prepared for a system of apartheid with entire regions being occupied by Islamic communities. In this respect, recent developments in Kosovo are a warning to the whole of Europe and the UK. Abraham and Lot were ‘brethren’, yet since ‘strife’ demanded a ‘separation’ (see Gen. 13: 8-9), how much more should Muslims ‘separate’ themselves from a host society they have absolutely no intention of integrating with. Otherwise, it is impossible to ‘live peaceably with all men’ (Rom. 12: 18).

In conclusion, I refer the reader to my two publications:

1. CHRISTIANITY, ISLAM & BRITISH POLITICS (a lecture given at Oxford to the Campaign for UK Conservatism Conference, 2005)

2. ISLAM - The Current Threat to the British Isles (a lecture presented in London to The Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship, 2006)

For further information see the websites of Norwich Reformed Church (www.nrchurch.co.nr) and Charenton Reformed Publishing (www.christiancharenton.co.uk).

Also available for nationwide distribution:

For an authoritative refutation of Islam by an ex-Muslim, see the DVD testimony of Christian evangelist Mark Gabriel, formerly Professor of Islamic History at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. Copies of this are available free on request from Norwich Reformed Church.

See also a review of Mark Gabriel’s book Jesus and Muhammad on the Norwich Reformed Church website.

Dr Alan C. Clifford
Pastor, Norwich Reformed Church

Anonymous said...

Lets get ride of all three religions of evil, Islam, Christianity and Judaism from Europe and the rest of the world. Humanity has to be awaken!

Anonymous said...



Pass it on!

Anonymous said...

You people are ignorant and stupid. I am muslim and British. All the shit you talk about the Qur'an saying to kill and oppress people etc.... has been taken out of context. If you actually read it you will understand that Muhammad our prophet and his followers were opressed at that time for revealing this religion by Arab Jews, Arab idol worshippers and Arab Christians. He was however given shelter by the Christian King of Abysinnia(Ethiopia)when he realised similarities between Christianity and Islam. The Qur'an is the word of God as delivered to our prophet (who could not read or write)by the Angel Gabriel. These texts you discuss which talk about killing non believers etc... were the word of God telling Muhammad to fight and kill these opressors. Islam does not teach opression - NO RELIGION DOES. There are extremists in every religion and they ruin things for everyone. They make their own twisted version of their respective religions and will answer for their actions. As far as other sterotypes you may have eg: opression of women and forced marriages etc... These things have nothing to do with Islam. These things are cultural and stem mostly from pre Islamic practices. I am born in the UK, I have many white friends and I can tell you there are idiots in every race and good people also. I am no racist or extremist. I understand my religion and dont force it on anyone. If i am like this dont be surprised if there are more

PatrickHenry said...

The uneducated muslims that post in most blogs, blindly follow the hallucinations of a light deprived moron who was inside a pitch black cave for forty days when he thought he saw the Angel Gabriel in front him and who "recited" the koran to him. Behavioral Scientists have conducted numerous controlled studies that have demonstrated each and every time that after a very short period of complete light deprivation everyone tested experiences profound hallucinations!

A seventh century mind would not understand light deprivation induced hallucinations and perceive them as being reality. Today's muslims do not have the excuse that mohammad had, they study his koran in broad daylight and believe what is written on its pages. Their belief merely proves their stupidity! That proven stupidity should bar them from being allowed to enter any country in the Free World!

muslims will never change. Ignorance is instictive to them; it's in their genes. The only thing that can be done to correct the mistakes that our politicians have made by allowing them to immigrate to our lands, is TO VOTE THE MULTICULTURALIST LIBERALS OUT OF OFFICE IN THE NEXT ELECTION AND DEMAND THAT THE NEWLY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES SEND THE MUSLIMS BACK TO WHERE THEY CAME FROM!!!

Where is Gaea?

Anonymous said...

If you recon im uneducated i can tell you that im a qualified aircraft engineer from a place called Air Srevice Training in Scone, Perthshire, Scotland who couldnt get work after 9-11 because of some idiots who decided to fly planes into buildings. I now work as a medical sales rep. Dont make judgments without knowing who you are talking to coz it just makes you look ignorant

Anonymous said...

Was the Qur'an the result of 'light-deprivation-induced hallucinations'? I was going on the theory that Muhammed's ramblings were the result of Neurosyphilis. I mean, he did do a lot of raping and this was in the Dark Ages where medical care was fairly primitive.
If the violence and intolerance mandated in the Qur'an is only because early Muslims were oppressed - and to an extent they were - then why did Islam - even in Mo's time - spread through violent military expansionism?
The 'there are extremists in every religion' assertion is a canard too. When was the last time a member of any of the other major world religions strapped on a bomb belt and detonated themselves in a market place? When was the last time a member of any of the other world religions took to the streets with placards threatening the submission of that country to their religion or genocide?
Other world religions may or may not have had periods of violence and intolerance, but they are far in their pasts. Islam on the other hand is the same now as it was when Muhammed dictated the Verse of the Sword, which abrogated any peaceful Qur'anic verses and commanded Muslims to '...fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)...'
The more people become familiar with Islam and its actions around the world, the more people realise what it really is and no amount of 'Religion of Peace' and 'small minority of extremists' is going to change that.
No coincidence then that the majority of us Britons and Europeans in general are suspicious, resentful mistrusting of Islam.


Anonymous said...

You are a human, I hope you consider me a human how has a mind. I will try to understand if you can try to explain me without making me hate you or be angry at you

Anonymous said...

Guys, whether you are a pastor or other profession, it is probably not right to educate hate in internet.
Rather talk in a way of understanding. The hate, anger might only stiffen work of reason. Start calmly,
say reason. We probably have to overcome negative emotions that might eventually lead to conflicts, human
losses. What if we just spend our precious time for explaining without educating hate, anger.

Anonymous said...

Or do you treat the problems in an angry way?

Eli Johansen said...

It's very simple, talk to people you know, convince them that the E.U. heads are selling us out. Vote as right wing as possible, it cant be worse than what will happen if it doesn't! That's it, and be ready physically, we will eventually have to fight. In these battles we will lose family, friends and neighbors but we will guarantee it to our future generations, a worthy sacrifice indeed and one I'm personally willing to make as my forefathers did before me.