The article doesn't mention nationalities, but something about the way things are phrased makes me think the "gang of youths" was Muslim. It's quite possible, since according to Wikipedia, 66.3% of the residents of Fittja have a foreign background, mostly Arabian.
A 47-year old man was killed on Saturday night in an attack in the Stockholm suburb of Fittja.
The man was hit, kicked and stabbed in a schoolyard at around 8.30pm by what a witness says was a gang of youths. When the witness shouted at them, the youths ran away.
"He was hit, kicked and stabbed in the torso," said police spokeswoman Gunilla Lööw.
The man died shortly after arriving at hospital, and police are treating the case as murder. Nobody has yet been arrested and police say they has no suspects on Sunday afternoon.
"We are now talking with the man's relatives, questioning witnesses and knocking on doors in the area. We are also collecting material from cameras in the area, for example at the school and in the metro station," said Lööw.
She added that a party was taking place near to the scene at the time of the crime, and people who attended the party were being questioned. The dead man was not previously known to the police.
Source: The Local (English)