Monday, January 07, 2008

Netherlands: Immigrant death rates going down

Another end-of-year summary. If this keeps up, the death rate in the Netherlands will reach 0 by the end of the century.

2007 was the fifth year in a row in which the number of deaths in the Netherlands was lower than the previous year. There were about 132,000 deaths in 2007, about 10,000 less than 5 years earlier. The death rate among non-Western immigrants decreased more sharply, relatively, than among ethnic Dutch, and the differences between the groups in the chances of death are therefore decreasing.

In the period 2002-2006, the developments among non-Western immigrants of all ages was more favorable than for ethnic Dutch. The differences between the population groups is therefore decreasing. The death totals of non-Western immigrant men is still higher than that of ethnic Dutch. Moroccan men of about 40+ form an exception to that. The chances of death for women of all non-Western immigrant groups from middle age and one is similar or lower to that of ethnic Dutch women.

For younger ages, the chance of dying is higher for non-Western immigrants than for ethnic Dutch. Despite a downwards trend the infant mortality rate is a quarter to a third higher for non-Western immigrants. Specifically for Turks and Moroccans, the risk of death for children is still relatively high. For adolescents and young adults - Antillean men have proportionally high death rates. The higher frequency of murder and homicide plays an important role in that.

The marked decrease in deaths is due to the decline in the number of death due to hart and vascular diseases. These decreased considerably for both immigrants and ethnic Dutch; the death totals are the lowest for Moroccan men. The risk of death for Moroccan men aged 40+ and 50+ is about half that of ethnic Dutch. On the other hand, the risk of death of Surinamese middle-aged men is about twice that of ethnic Dutch.

Non-Western immigrants die less of cancer than ethnic Dutch. An important exception is lung cancer by Turkish men. Also, stomach cancer is relatively more frequent by non-Western immigrants. Liver cancer is a relatively more frequent cause of death by Surinamese men.

Source: CBS (Dutch)