Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Amsterdam: Homosexuality is a sin

Freedom of religion is once again being redefined.  At most, it protect one's rights to follow their religion.  You believe homosexuality is a sin - don't do it.  It does not give one a right to force their religion on others.

If one does not think there's anything wrong with homosexuals, what's wrong with depicting Mohammed as one?  And why should homosexuals be compared to pedophiles?


Yman Mahrach, a Moroccan Labor Party counsellor from Amsterdam, rectified comments she had made about homosexuals.

Dutch newspaper De Pers reported on Monday that she had written in the labor party newsletter that her party shouldn't work for a moderate Islam since Islam and the Koran are fixed and permanent.  Either you're a Muslim or not.  She also wrote that the homosexual act is forbidden, and that it is a rule in Islam, just as you may not lie.

Mahrach is a spokesperson for youth, emancipation and integration.  She wrote her article in response to an article by Michiel Mulder and Anne Graumans which appeared on the labor party site, calling for art to be judged for its artistic value (Dutch).  The article included a picture of the Sooreh Hera exhibition showing two homosexuals with masks of Mohammed and Ali.

Mahrach wrote that she agrees with the argument that art should only be judged on artistic grounds, but the photo is insulting and does not help the dialog.  The prophet may not be depicted, certainly not as a homosexual or pedophile.  Above all, the labor party has a large following among Muslims.

She wrote there are better ways to make homosexuality debatable: because there is already a lot of discussion.  For example, that you may not use violence against homosexuals.  But the Koran says that homosexuality is forbidden, and so does the Bible and politicians cannot disagree with that.

According to Gay Krant, the labor party had removed her former article and had replaced it with a rectification.  The labor party had also used the opportunity to put up a newer picture of Mahrach, without a headscarf.  (Mahrach had not appeared in photos with a headscarf until she was elected to the city council).  Unlike other articles on the site, there is no possibility to comment.

She now writes on the labor party site (Dutch) that she distances herself from the words that appeared in De Pers.  If the idea exists that she doesn't accept homosexuality, then she wants through this way to once again emphasize that this is not the case.  As a labor party counsellor she works together with the labor party for the emancipation of minorities and thus also for homosexuals.  She thinks it a challenge for a political party like the labor party to ensure that freedom of sexual disposition, freedom of speech and freedom of religion don't exclude or curtail each other, but rather reinforce each other.

Sources: De Pers, Telegraaf , Gay Krant (Dutch)

See also: Amsterdam: Redefining freedom of speech, Netherlands: More labor politicians sign Hizb ut-Tahrir petition, Rotterdam: It's a wonder the rest are ok, Gouda: Bad showing at protest against homo-photos, Norway: 'not just a sin'