Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sweden: Asylum seeker attacked for not being a good Muslim

A man in an asylum center was attacked by his 23 year old neighbor for having alcohol in his fridge. The two men shared a kitchen in one of the immigration service's houses in Halmstad. One day when the victim came home from work, his neighbor broke into his room and attacked him with a knife. "You are not a proper Muslim. I will kill you," he threatened.

The reason was that the man - also a Muslim - had some beer in the fridge. The man fled from the apartment, and when he came back he found his room vandalized and destroyed with detergent.

To the court the 23 year old declared that he wanted to clean away the evil from the room.

The man was sentenced to psychiatric care for unlawful threat, breaking in, and causing damage. He is also to pay the victim 21,200 kronor (~ $3600) in damages.

Source: Hallands Nyheter (Swedish) h/t Mitt Sverige (Swedish)