Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Netherlands: Salafi Islam Sunday school

Imam Fawaz's network is now working on Islamisizing little kids. A new association, working with Fawaz's radical As-Soennah mosque, is organizing strict religious lessons in Zoetermeer for children 5-14 years old.

The lessons are given in a municipality sports hall by 'brothers' of the Al-Ichlaas association (Al-Ikhlas, Oneness of God). Several dozen students have signed up. The children must dress according to a strict Islamic clothing code.

Mohamed Talbi, chairman of Al-Ichlaas, confirms the cooperation with the As-Soennah mosque in The Hague, one of the strongholds of the radical Salafist movement. "We also want to invite preacher from As-Soennah for lectures."

The security service AIVD regularly warns against the growing influence of Salafists. There are currently a dozen youth preachers active across the country, preaching a sharp anti-Western message to hundreds of Moroccan youth above 16.

The Zoetermeer association now wants to teach younger children the ultra-orthodox life and behavior rules, through koran education and Arabic lessons.

Talibi: We want to keep children from evil and prevent them from straying from the faith.

The association had requested from the tax authorities to be considered tax deductible (ANBI), which would give it various financial benefits.

Talbi supports Fawaz, despite the criticism the Moroccan community had expressed about the imam. Fawaz, who had called Theo Van Gogh, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Eshan Jami heretics had recently started a scandal when he attacked Ahmed Marcouch, mayor of Amsterdam-Slotervaart.

Source: Telegraaf (Dutch), Al-Ichlaas ad (Dutch)

See also: Netherlands: Proposal to ban fatwas