Police are accusing the Rasool family of money laundering over ten million kroner. Twelve people are now suspect in the case: Six brothers (ages 21 and up), their parents, two of the brothers ex-wives, one current wife and a mother in law.
The parents and their six sons are accused of playing central roles in the case. The court case will start October 6th and end on December 18th.
All the suspects were arrested during Operation Nemesis, the police's anti-gang operation in Oslo in May last year.
Police lawyer Olav Hovstad, of the Oslo Police organized crime division, says that the investigation has shown the parents were more involved in the business than originally thought.
The Rasool family father is suspected of laundering 2 million kroner, his wife 1.1 million, while their two eldest sons are suspected of receiving stolen goods worth 6 million and 3.5 million respectively.
The police think that the parents' share of the stolen goods had been invested in the Rasool family's house in Pakistan.
The police base their estimates on searches of cash files, account deposits, confiscated money, cars and real estate.
Source: Dagbladet (Norwegian)
See also: Norway: B-gang investigation turning to Pakistan, Joint Norwegian/Brazilian raids against B-Gang