Monday, June 02, 2008

Prague: Muhammad cartoon posters against Islamist extremism

Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad have appeared in Prague as a witness saw them in the Cerny Most neighbourhood and near the Florenc coach station, the server Novinky wrote Saturday.

At one of them, Muhammad is depicted with a bomb in his turban and a detonator like in the Danish paper Jyllands Posten in 2005, while the other poster calls him a paedophile.

The posters points to the Internet pages that are being constructed and that present a group of authors who feel concern over what they call growing Islamist extremism.

The posters' captions say: "Maybe provocative, but the freedom of speech is still more important !!!"

Twelve cartoons of Muhammad were published by Jyllands Posten in 2005. This sparked off a wave of worldwide protests that claimed about 150 lives. The mob attacked the Danish embassies and everything embodying Western culture.

In the Czech Republic, the first posters appeared in Brno in March. As the police did not find who pasted them up, the case was shelved.

Source: Prague Monitor (English)

See also: Czech Republic: Mohammad cartoons crime