The meat that Muslims will have left over from their traditional sacrifice meal next week would go straight to the poor in the Netherlands. That is the goal of the Association of Cooperative Muslim Aid Organizations (Vereniging Samenwerkende Moslim Hulporganisaties, SMHO).
From next week Muslims can deliver left over meat, most of which will be processed into sausages aid organization Cordaid announced Wednesday.
Eid al-Adha is from the 8th to the 11th of December. Muslims commemorate during this holiday that the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) was ready to sacrifice his son to God. In the Netherlands this is done by slaughtering mostly sheep.
Turkish organizations and politicians of Turkish origin are calling on the faithful to provide at least a kilo of meat per slaughtered animal at selected butchers in sixteen cities. Part of the meat will vanish into sausages, part will go to the Van Harte-Resto for the homeless, which organizes Eid al-Adha meals during January. The sausages will go straight to the food banks.
SMHO is receiving help from Cordaid. The organizations want to contribute through this to the fight against poverty.
Source: Telegraaf (Dutch)
From next week Muslims can deliver left over meat, most of which will be processed into sausages aid organization Cordaid announced Wednesday.
Eid al-Adha is from the 8th to the 11th of December. Muslims commemorate during this holiday that the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) was ready to sacrifice his son to God. In the Netherlands this is done by slaughtering mostly sheep.
Turkish organizations and politicians of Turkish origin are calling on the faithful to provide at least a kilo of meat per slaughtered animal at selected butchers in sixteen cities. Part of the meat will vanish into sausages, part will go to the Van Harte-Resto for the homeless, which organizes Eid al-Adha meals during January. The sausages will go straight to the food banks.
SMHO is receiving help from Cordaid. The organizations want to contribute through this to the fight against poverty.
Source: Telegraaf (Dutch)