Malmö: Police accused of racism
After complaints about police behavior in Belgium and Denmark, now comes Sweden's turn.
Sydsvenskan reports about this case and brings the police tape, from December 18. Muslim and leftists rioted in the Rosengård neighborhood of Malmö after a basement mosque was evicted.
For more on the riots see here:
* Malmö: Disturbances calm down
* Malmö: Disturbances continue after mosque eviction
* Malmö: Mosque evicted
* Malmö: Youth protest mosque eviction
* Grab-bag
Riot police called young people in the predominantly immigrant district "blattejävlar", an ethnic slur which translates roughly into "damn coloured people" or "damn immigrants".
On its own, "blatte" is a derogatory Swedish term often used in reference to an immigrant.
What police who uttered the comments didn't know was that their statements had been caught on the police's own video recordings, the Sydsvenskan newspaper reports.
The video was played recently during the trial of a 21-year-old who stands charged for violent rioting in connection with the Rosengård demonstrations.
On the tape, listeners can hear internal chatter between police discussing the suspect.
"You little ape son of a bitch. Should I make him sterile when I catch him?" said one police officer on the tape.
"Yeah, he's going to get beat so well that he won't be able to stand on his own legs," answered a colleague.
Later another officer chimes in, referencing a figure from an ad campaign for the Ica grocery store chain and adding his own racist twist.
"Yeah, I agree with that guy from Ica, 'You've come to the wrong city, damn immigrant'," he said.
Now the police are set to be reported for their offensive language, said the highest ranking police chief in Malmö, Ulf Sempert, who is distraught over his colleagues' comments.
"I can only apologize to these young people," Sempert told Sydsvenskan.
"I obviously don't accept that they threw rocks, if they were involved in throwing rocks at police officers, but just because of that they don't deserve to be treated this way by Swedish police."
Source: The Local (English)
See also:
* Brussels: Police accused of ethnic profiling
* Denmark: Demonstrators complain about police behavior
After complaints about police behavior in Belgium and Denmark, now comes Sweden's turn.
Sydsvenskan reports about this case and brings the police tape, from December 18. Muslim and leftists rioted in the Rosengård neighborhood of Malmö after a basement mosque was evicted.
For more on the riots see here:
* Malmö: Disturbances calm down
* Malmö: Disturbances continue after mosque eviction
* Malmö: Mosque evicted
* Malmö: Youth protest mosque eviction
* Grab-bag
Riot police called young people in the predominantly immigrant district "blattejävlar", an ethnic slur which translates roughly into "damn coloured people" or "damn immigrants".
On its own, "blatte" is a derogatory Swedish term often used in reference to an immigrant.
What police who uttered the comments didn't know was that their statements had been caught on the police's own video recordings, the Sydsvenskan newspaper reports.
The video was played recently during the trial of a 21-year-old who stands charged for violent rioting in connection with the Rosengård demonstrations.
On the tape, listeners can hear internal chatter between police discussing the suspect.
"You little ape son of a bitch. Should I make him sterile when I catch him?" said one police officer on the tape.
"Yeah, he's going to get beat so well that he won't be able to stand on his own legs," answered a colleague.
Later another officer chimes in, referencing a figure from an ad campaign for the Ica grocery store chain and adding his own racist twist.
"Yeah, I agree with that guy from Ica, 'You've come to the wrong city, damn immigrant'," he said.
Now the police are set to be reported for their offensive language, said the highest ranking police chief in Malmö, Ulf Sempert, who is distraught over his colleagues' comments.
"I can only apologize to these young people," Sempert told Sydsvenskan.
"I obviously don't accept that they threw rocks, if they were involved in throwing rocks at police officers, but just because of that they don't deserve to be treated this way by Swedish police."
Source: The Local (English)
See also:
* Brussels: Police accused of ethnic profiling
* Denmark: Demonstrators complain about police behavior