Sunday, October 11, 2009

Germany: 50% think Muslims don't want to/can't integrate

Germany: 50% think Muslims don't want to/can't integrate

For more on Sarazzin's comments see here and here.

Half of Germans agree with controversial remarks by federal bank board member Thilo Sarrazin, who said that most Arab and Turkish immigrants are “neither willing nor able to integrate,” a poll revealed on Sunday.


But a survey by pollster Emnid for Bild am Sonntag found that 51 percent of Germans agreed with Sarrazin while just 39 percent disagreed.

Only voters who supported the Green party clearly rejected Sarrazin’s comments, with 64 percent disagreeing and 24 percent agreeing.

Otherwise, support for the disparaging remarks spanned the political spectrum. Sarrazin got his strongest support from conservative Christian Democratic (CDU) voters, 59 percent of whom agreed with him. This was followed by 55 percent of voters from the socialist Left party voters, 54 percent of pro-business Free Democrats supporters and 50 percent of centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) fans.

Sarrazin also won support from the 501 people surveyed for kicking off a debate on the subject of integration, with 69 percent saying such a debate was useful and just 22 percent believing he would have been better off “keeping his mouth shut.”


Source: The Local (English)