Sunday, November 22, 2009

France: "Allah Akbar" letters

France: "Allah Akbar" letters

A dozen letter saying "Allah Akbar" have been sent since September in the Vaucluse department to priests, Jewish families and recently to François Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa, brother of the French president, the police reported Sunday.

The message, concise, is identical and includes this simple phrase: "Allah Akbar", God is the greatest, written in French and Arabic.  The same source said that the Arabic included a spelling error.

In November, François Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa, brother of the French president, started getting these letters.

The letters are all posted from Avignon,  and were previously sent to priests and Jewish families in the area between Carpentras and Avignon, and to two banks.

The letters caused some commotion in the Jewish community, according to the same source.

The investigators don't think the letters represent a real threat.
An investigation has been opened, due to the intimidating character of the message and the psychological pressure that it could cause. 

No complaints have been filed for now, according to the police.

Source: AFP (French)