Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monaco: Islamic fashion festival

Monaco: Islamic fashion festival

(photo, more at link)

Via Bernama:

Islamic fashion is fast becoming a lucrative business with the current market estimated to be worth more than US$96 billion (RM302 billion) a year, said Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.

Rosmah, wife of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, said it was an enormous market that had yet to be fully tapped.


Rosmah said major clothing retailers had been busy highlighting how top brands like Anne Klein and Ralph Lauren were already producing fashion lines that met the Islamic requirement of full coverage.

"In the same vein, it is interesting to note that even as the great 'veil' debate raged in France, the country, being the fashion capital of the world, remains as one of the world's major exporters for Muslim couture 'abayas' and 'niqabs'.

"Clearly, politics notwithstanding, those in the fashion business are increasingly aware of the burgeoning demand for Muslim apparel worldwide," she said.

Rosmah said she hoped that Monaco could emerge as one of the gateways to the European market for Islamic-inspired fashion from Malaysia and the rest of Asia.
